Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still in Discussions

Our local representatives are meeting regularly with the company.

The next scheduled meeting between our local representatives and refinery leaders is Thursday April 2nd. The issues up for discussion next week are operations scheduling issues, 10% pay for lead T/A operators and temporary work schedule assignments.

NOTICE: We will be voting next in April for operations committeeman. We have two nmembers nominated for this position: James Gallier and Rod Girlinghouse.

The eletion will be held April 9 and will last from 6 AM until 8 PM. I hope you will give this choice careful consideration and show up to vote.



Anonymous said...

How about an update on Ponca City negotiations, we hear the company is now not wanting to follow the national wage and signing bonus package.

Anonymous said...

Things are not going well in Ponca at all. The company is purposely misinforming people on where they stand on issues and trying to make it seem like the union is making something out of nothing. They are fueling many rumors to try and disrupt the members in any way possible. This has been my first "go round" with contracts and it has just been a real eye opener to me on the true importance of having the union to back us. I hope things go better for you all than what we are dealing with in PC.