Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday 21 May

Yesterday, we spent much of the day discussing items banked holidays and purchased vacation. We have a tentative agreements on this items. We are planning special meetings to discuss these items with the members in the near future.

Today, we spent today at the hall going over items, working on lab issues, and getting ready for next weeks discussions.

Here is a link to the initial lists given by us (here) and by the company (here). I hope you will go over both proposals and let us know what you think.

I highly recommend all our people read this article from the Ponca blog. Our brothers and sisters at Ponca still do not have a contract, so please continue to keep them in prayer.

More later,


Anonymous said...

Unassigned trainees can be held 'unassigned' indefinitely. Would like to see this changed to a definitive amount of time, 12 months, 18 months? If a unit has an unassigned trainee for 18 months, then obviously, they need that position and should assign them.

Unassigned trainees never start earning 'time' to a bid...even utility helpers get a bid after 3 years. UA Trainees don't accumulate time until they've been assigned, so they could remain in a unit 10-12 years before having bid rights. If they started accumulating time immediately, at least if they were unassigned for 5 years, they could bid to an assigned position somewhere else in the plant. Junior people hire in and receive better benefits in less time on many occasions.

Anonymous said...

On the issue of the company wanting to eliminate Pay Banking (but still allowing the time off as PB)... Will there be some flexibility of being able to mix paid vacation time and the banked holiday (PB) time so that a person does not end up with a weeks vacation that is all PB (end of the year vacations for a lot of us are sometimes totally banked holiday time). The operations committeemen should be able to understand this situation. Also could there be some flexibility in the funeral leave policy for aunts and uncles - nieces and nephews ... allow only one or two days instead of three (would be better than giving it away totally). Also - BRAVO for trying to get a monetary award for perfect attendance!! LONG OVERDUE

USW Local 13-555 said...

Thanks for the questions and suggestions. As of right now, we are planning to hold a special meeting at 4:30PM on May 27.

At the meeting we will address how things are going so far, answer your questions and inform our members on what has been "tentatively" agreed upon so far.